Liftkar SAL

The SAL is a light powered stairclimber at only 30kg, but still capable of carrying a variety of loads up to 170Kg. The 110kg model can climb at up to 48 steps per minute. 

Prices from £2,450 + VAT

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Liftkar MTK

The MTK is a steel based stair climber, ideal for bulky loads available in 190kg and 310kg lifting capacity models. The 310 version comes with automatic brakes as standard

Prices from £2,870 + VAT

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Liftkar HD

The HD Powered Stairclimber is designed for heavy duty loads up to 360kg are easy with the HD, all models have electronic brakes and puncture proof tyres as standard

Prices From £3,420 + VAT

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Not sure which option is best for you, then call 01473 333889, we are happy to help

Powered Stairclimbers at a glance

All our stairclimbesrs operate via a removable rechargeable battery and have been designed with some of the loads you move in mind.The stairclimbers are split in to 3 different model groups offering different capacities and features as you move up the range.

The SAL comes in 4 handle types and 3 lifting capacity capacities (110/140/170) to offer support on a wide range of load carrying problems.

The MTK comes in two models, 190/310 kg lifting capacities, the 310 comes with automatic brakes as standard and the 190 can have these fitted as an optional extra.

The HD comes with electronic automatic step edge brakes, puncture proof tyre as standard and with a lifting capacity up to 360kg make heavy loads easy to move. The HD also boasts a Dolly Wheels option providing easy movement between step locations

     Buy direct or talk to us on 01473 333889 about possible finance options and the ability to spread the payments over 3 years